Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My Curtain

My fabric came really quickly in the mail. The pattern turned out not to be black on white, but rather gray on cream, which I love! My friend Wendy came over and helped me make the curtain (she measured things and told me where to cut and where to sew). I added a black grosgrain ribbon to the bottom.

I wasn't allowed to hang it until Valentine's Day. When it finally got hung up, I LOVED the result! I might be addicted to making my own fabric...this could get expensive!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

My Fabric!

I have always wanted my drawings made into fabric. There are websites where you can do this, but it is extremely expensive per yard to do this. For Valentine's day, Brian said I could order fabric of my design for a curtain in my kitchen window! I am so excited!

This is the design I used for my curtain fabric. The image has to repeat, so we did a mirror repeat, and it turned out pretty cool. My fabric is in the mail as we speak, and I cannot wait to get it!

Michael's Picture

When I delivered Alli's pictures, her dad requested a black, red and white picture. I figure, if I have to draw, I might as well draw something somebody wants! If only this were a job that paid by the hour.... :)

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Pictures for Allison

I told my friend, Andrea that I'd make a couple pictures for her daughter, Allison's, bedroom. Andrea wanted the drawings to be based on Alli's bedspread.
Here's what I came up with:

This is the first one I did. (My favorite of the 2.)

And here's the second one.

Here is how they look together. The colors I used are green, pink, blue, silver, and a plumish sort of purple (I'm sure that's the official name).
I can't wait for Andrea and Alli to see them on Monday! I love having projects for specific people, way funner than just drawing to draw.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Art For the Boys

I wish I was a better photographer with a better camera, but oh well, hopefully you can sorta see what I was going for in these pictures.

I tried to make some pictures that were a little more "boy-ish" (as in, no purples and pinks), and it limited my color pallet considerably! Well, now that I am posting what I came up with, I realize that the flowers in this picture take the boyishness right out of it! So, any suggestions on masculine flowers would be greatly appreciated! I used green, red, blue, light blue, and yellow in this one.

I feel that this one achieved boyishness very nicely! (And Eva just agreed with me, as she reads over my shoulder.) I used blue, yellow, orange, green, and red in this one. And no flowers! (It's harder than you'd think for me not to use flowers!)

Saturday, January 21, 2012


This was done for a lady that works with Brian. She was having a baby and Brian thought he heard her say the nursery was going to be pink and green with dragonflies. So he requested I draw this picture for the baby's nursery. Well, when I gave Heather the picture, it turns out that Brian overheard a conversation that had nothing to do with the nursery. Luckily, the nursery is a small room, and hadn't been decorated yet, so I guess that Heather can now decorate it in pink and green dragonflies, thanks to Brian and I!